Selected Works 

A transdisciplinary visual artist, designer, researcher + professor

yolk is the founder of an independent artists’ book bindery,
T H U N G R Y based in Chicago, IL 

T H U N G R Y currently operates as a design house + publishing initiative complicating book semantics through experimentation, queering, + praxis.


All Rights Reserved © 2024 bex ya yolk
‘Queering the New Maternal’ / MOTHER THUNGER
a body of work exploring ‘Maternal Complex' made up of subgenres like mothernism, care work, reproductive design, rematriation, abortion access activism, reproductive justice and health care disparities in the US, container technics, matrescence, and the gestational state especially in queer folx exploring the intersectionalities between the Book + this kind of body.

mixed media

2022 - 23